Eagle Rest Don Quixote out of Spotted Saddle Horse

‘94 National Champion Gaited Halter Mule
‘97 Louisiana State Champion Gaited Halter Mule
‘97 National Champion Gaited Mule

‘97 Oklahoma State Fair Champion Gaited Halter Mule
‘97 Oklahoma State Fair Champion Gaited Mule

Brayer Hill Razzle Dazzle is out of a Spotted Saddle Horse by Eagle Rest Don Quixote. Raz did inherit her dam's way of going and does a nice flat walk. She stands 15.1 hands She has appeared in Italian magazines. She is shown and ridden for pleasure. A few of her most recent accomplishments include placing sixth at the ‘95 Great Celebration Mule Show Gaited Trail Pleasure out of 22 entries and National Champion Gaited Mule to Halter at the ‘94 ADMS National Show

Raz is all lady with a disposition and looks to prove it. She enjoys riding on the trails, but most she enjoys being in charge of all the gelding mules on the farm. None of them make a move without her permission.

Raz received her training at Stepping Out Farm under the watchful eye of Bill Moore. She was ridden to her Trail Pleasure win by Brian Cates of Shelbyville, TN.

Raz is another mule imprinted and raised at Brayer Hill Farm. We feel that she was a good example of a gaited mule which was taken along slowly and proved herself on the trail and in the show ring.

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